2024 Carter King Tournament

On Saturday, December 7th, the Jesters hosted the Carter-King Speech & Debate Tournament at Midtown High School! This was the largest in-person speech and debate tournament held in all of Georgia in 2024. MANY THANKS for all of those parents who judged, volunteered and supported this major undertaking. Thanks to Mr. Herrera and the Jesters for putting on an amazing tournament!

Number of Schools Attending: 35

Number of Students Competing: 309

Number of Judges: 160 (including Jesters’ parents)

Number of Jesters student volunteers: 65+

Number of Jesters parents volunteers: 25+

Number of Community Donors (including restaurants, coffee shops and a florist): 17

Number of Corporate Sponsors: 12


Jesters Holiday Party and Mario's big check!


Johns Creek HS Gladiator Debate Competition