State champions 15 years in a row, these kids are motivated and inspired. They wake up before dawn on weekends, dress in business attire, and meet the bus at 6 a.m. to travel for tournaments. Your tax-deductible donation allows them the opportunity to put into practice all of their hard work. They want to go to tournaments. To make this happen they need our help.

Our Annual Expenses Exceed $80,000 and we receive NO FUNDING from APS!

That's right - our entire budget is funded by parent and community donations. We are competing in fifteen different Speech and Debate events this year. The Jesters have won the State tournament for the past 15 consecutive years (!), and have gone on to compete at Nationals.

Our success relies heavily on donations and fundraising throughout the year. To be successful, we must practice and compete. To compete, we must attend tournaments. And tournaments are expensive. If students were to pay their actual expenses to compete, attending a tournament would be unattainable for most.

Your gift enables all students with the desire to have the chance to compete. Your donation is tax-deductible.

The Midtown High School Booster Club, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, so your gift counts as a charitable income tax deduction if you file an itemized tax return. View The Midtown Jesters tax-exempt documentation here.

Please consider adding 3% to your donation to cover any payment processing fees!

Individual Donations

Individual donors are the single most important contributors to the Jesters. The more you can give, the more tournaments we can attend. No amount of support is too small; it all adds up!

Matching Gifts

Your gift to the Midtown High School Jesters could be doubled or even tripled if your company has a matching gifts program. Some companies even provide matching donations for volunteer hours and allow matching gifts from retirees or spouses. Check with your employer’s Human Resources Department for specific information or to request a Matching Gifts Form to increase the impact of your gift!


The generous community support of our sponsors allows us to reach higher and go further. Sponsorships help pay tournament fees, travel expenses, and fund scholarships.

Honor Someone Special

Giving a gift in honor or memory of someone is a wonderful way to pay tribute to them.


Your in-kind donation may be qualified as tax deductible at market value because we are a 501(c)(3). Please contact us if you'd like to donate an in-kind gift.