Isidore Newman Tournament
Members of the Jesters Speech and Debate Team competed at the Isidore Newman Tournament in New Orleans, LA this past weekend. The tournament had nearly 630 competitors representing 60 schools from 13 states, making it the largest Newman Invitational in the school's history. The Jesters had an amazing tournament (picture below)!
Here is how we fared:
Dramatic Interpretation: Sarah Zeff, Semifinalist
Extemporaneous Speaking: Farris Duwayri, Semifinalist; Thomas Carter, Semifinalist; Zach Chan, Semifinalist; Charlotte Keenan, Semifinalist
Impromptu Speaking: Charlotte Keenan Semifinalist; Farris Duwayri, Semifinalist; Sarah Zeff, Semifinalist; Asher Lieb, Semifinalist
Public Forum Debate: Nathan Brawner and Reuben Mackler, Runners-up; Reuben Mackler, 10th Speaker; Nathan Brawner, 9th Speaker; Charlie Skouteris, 7th Speaker
Lincoln-Douglas Debate: Nick Fedorov, Double-Octofinalist; Plamen Checketts, Quarterfinalist