Jesters Qualify for Nationals in Seven Events
Congrats to the Jesters who qualified at the Georgia Northern Mountain NSDA National Qualifier in late February
Nationals will be held virtually again this year, with the tournament still the largest high school competition in the world! Qualifying is no easy task, so these Jesters have really stepped up to the plate! Here is how we fared:
Public Forum Debate: Elena Hubert & Everett Stubin, Qualifiers; Griffin Richie & Sechan Tak, Qualifiers
Lincoln-Douglas Debate: Peter Haynes, Qualifier; Lauren Scaffidi, Alternate; Aran Sonnad-Joshi, Alternate; Kelly Tran, Alternate
Congressional Debate: Sayan Sonnad Joshi, Alternate
Informative Speaking: Eleanor Ball, Qualifier; Matthew Vincent, Alternate
International Extemp: Oliver Gray, Qualifier; Bryant Hodgson, Alternate
Original Oratory: Lucia Fernandez, Qualifier; Ava Smith, Qualifier
United State Extemp: George Lefkowicz, Qualifier; Maeve Malaney-Lau, Qualifier; Ava Smith, Alternate
District Assistant Coach of the Year: Susan Ramsey
District Student of the Year: George Lefkowicz
Winner of Congress Sweepstakes, Debate Sweepstakes, Speech Sweepstakes (tie) and Overall Sweepstakes Winner!!