Alpharetta Treasure Hunt Speech & Debate Tournament Results
The Jesters Speech and Debate Team competed at the Alpharetta HS "Treasure Hunt" Speech and Debate Tournament, with over 200 entries from 24 schools across Georgia. The team had a great tournament and a great start to the Georgia competition season! Here is how we fared:
Varsity Public Forum Debate: Matthew Sweeney & Tyler Bless, Quarterfinalists; Lola Lignugaris & Henry Moye, Semifinalists; Reuben Mackler, 8th Speaker and Lola Lignugaris 7th Speaker
JV Public Forum: Carly Hallett, 10th Speaker; Rowyn Chekanow, 6th Speaker
Varsity Lincoln-Douglas Debate: Alex Smith, Semifinalist; CO-CHAMPIONS, Nick Fedorov and Plamen Checketts
Extemporaneous Speaking: Farris Duwayri, 5th Place; Asher Lieb, 4th Place; 2nd Place, Charlotte Keenan; CHAMPION, Henry Carter
Impromptu Speaking: Abby Ippen, 5th Place; CHAMPION, CHARLOTTE KEENAN
Special thanks to our community and parent judges: Val Rusk, Jason Ippen, Drew Keenan, Zaid Duwayri, Heather Hallett, Lucas Bailey, Jeff Lignugaris, Bill Chan, and student judge Will Hosking. Couldn't do it without you!